January 15, 2015

MARA's Interview


*clear the dust*

Ahhh the gap was too long. I miss the joy of writing and sharing.

Long time ago, there's a comot girl, who are eager to pursue her study in Bachelor of Dental Surgery at Jordan University of Science & Technology. Following her ambition, she applied the MARA's scholarship.

Ok lah. Entry aku kali ni lebih kepada nak cerita aku punya pengalaman masa interview MARA dulu. Harapnya berguna lah untuk korang terutama adik-adik lepasan SPM. bajet kakak-kakak sangat aku.

Masa dapat tawaran interview dulu, aku punya lah terkinja-kinja melompat suka hati. Yeah sikit je lagi aku nak capai aku punya impian.

Tapi sebelum semua tu, benda first yang buat mestilah kena apply dulu. Scholarship zaman sekarang takde dah automatik kau dapat, semuanya kena apply. Realiti budak zaman sekarang banyak yang pandai. Sobs sobs sobs.

1. Fill the form

"A job is not a token, but an application".
Step wajib nih. Aku tau about this MARA Scholarship from web. Korang boleh tengok dekat 


Ada banyak lagi scholarship yang ditawarkan kat situ. For me, this web is The Scholarship One Stop Centre. All in One. Tak percaya pegi bukak laman web dia

2- The Interview

This is for the succesful student.  Sebelum korang terpilih untuk interview ni, korang kena hadap satu test online. Homaii serius tak 'susah'. Test ni dia bahagi kepada beberapa bahagian. Ada IQ Section and MARA's background section. So be all prepared The Candidates !

Masa interview tu, korang akan bergerak secara berkumpulan. Masa aku dulu, siapa yang satu row kitra satu group. Like haha. I don't know anyone there. Tahap awkward aku macam kambing masuk bandar je gaya.

Interview pulak ada dua sesi. The first session is more to LDK (Latihan dalam kumpulan).

#Tips 1 : search dekat YouTube banyak-banyak, terutama mcm benda kreatif and peliks.
Lepas aktiviti tu, the interviewers akan tanya lah, apa yang awak dapat dari aktiviti tu.

#Tips 2 : Be confident. Eventhough awak tak tahu apa yang awak nak cakap, but at least make sure that you are one of the speakers. Be among those who are giving out the opinion.

The second session is more though lah, for sure. Each of the candidate will be given a topic/question. Tapi,aku memang bernasib baik sebab soalan aku senang tahap kacang. I likessssss

My Ques : 'If you are angry, what is your action? Tak ke rasa macam nak lompat je masa tu. but aishhh, behave ye depan interviewers. KOt nanti free2 je kena reject.

Some of my groupmates questions are :

  • Iqlab consists of?
  • If your husband asking for a polygamy, will you approve it or object it?
Aku rasa soalan kedua tu macam menguji tahap kesabaran yakmat. Dah lah kawan aku yang dapat soalan tu perempuan. Nasib kau lah teman.

That's all for the interview. The result is, I had been accepted by MARA , Alhamdulillah. But on other course. Aku dapat tawaran persediaan utnuk sambung Biotechnology in Ireland. With istikharah and du'a, I didn't accept it.

In Shaa Allah aku tak rasa menyesal dengan pilihan aku. I choose to frther my study in Foundation in Science , UiTM Puncak Alam. In fact, lagi tiga bulan aku nak habeh asasi. I want to be a successful BDS student. I need your du'a.

Doakan semoga semua urusan aku dipermudahkan-Nya. Aamiin.

Nampak tak muka happy nak graduate tu.

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