February 17, 2016

How Capok Got His Name


So lately, I think I have a crush on my beloved cat, Capok. I don’t know how BUT it comes naturally. Well let’s said it is a mother instinct (Oops). So how he got his name? How he got a place in my family?

So, it’s around April/May 2015 I think, the moment when I just finished my foundation studies. At that time, I just got home, together with my win who also just finished with her Tamhidi. 

Capok walks by himself to our house. But the night before, my twin told me that Capok ( which at that time we only addressed him as ‘that kitten’ ), followed her to the musolla. But when she came back, Capok is unseen. So she just ignored it. Surprisingly, the next day, I heard a kitten meowing. He is too-cute-to-say-no. His eyes catched my heart. i gives him food. And he eats vastly, as he had not eat for a long time. 

So I begged my Mama,

“Mama kita bela ok. Please. Bulu dia tak luruh. Dan dia JANTAN”
Yea JANTAN is a compulsory ok. If not, you can get lost. 

And I named him Kito. Yes I was the first one who gives him a name. Cause I was the one who insisted on having him. He used to be a shy cat, very innocent one ! Day by day, he is closer to our family. Tam also pleasantly welcomed him and take care of him as his own brother. 

We plan. But we can’t control it. Day by day, that Kito’s name starts to change to Tompok. Oh no ! It’s my Mama ! And I was like,

“Ma, Kito ok Kito”

And Mama said’

“Tompok, Tompok”

Ok Mama you win. There goes that beautiful name I gives to him. 

And today, Capok still has that shy side. But that shy-shy cat habit is upgraded to shy-shy-but-loves-to-bite. He is so determined. You may cry from his bites. 

Don't believe it? It’s okay. You can try it by yourself. But don't tell that I never warn you.

Capok in his old days. He's way too innocent at that time.

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